The International Forum for Scientific Youth “Step into the Future”
June 3, 2021, 1 p.m. (MSK, GMT+3)
FullscreenWelcome letters to the Forum participants

Anatoliy Aleksandrovich ALEKSANDROV
Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Ivan Ivanovich MELNIKOV
State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Lilia Salavatovna GUMEROVA
Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture

Valery Nikolaevich FALKOV
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Aleksandr Mikhaylovich SERGEYEV
Russian Academy of Sciences

Tatyana Viktorovna VASILIEVA
Ministry of Education of the Russian Fereration

Sergei Kuzhugetovich SHOIGU
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Olegovich ROGOZIN
State Corporation "Roscosmos”

Elena Vladimirovna VLADIMIRSKAYA
Government of St. Petersburg

Stanislav Alekseevich KUDZH
MIREA - Russian Technological University

Boris Georgievich SALTYKOV
Polytechnic Museum

Vladimir Dmitrievich SHADRIKOV
HSE University

Artem Evgenievich SHADRIN
HSE University

Aleksander Olegovich KARPOV
Russian Youth Engineering Society
Welcome speech from Aleksander Olegovich Karpov
Chairman of the Central Council of the «Step into the Future» Program
Welcome speech from Denis Yevgenyevich Gribov
Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation
Welcome speech from Boris Vasilyevich Padalkin
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Welcome speech from Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov
Governor of St. Petersburg
Welcome speech from Oleg Germanovich Artemyev
Pilot Cosmonaut, Hero of Russia
Welcome speech from Stanislav Alexeevich Kudzh
The Rector of MIREA – Russian Technological University
The best young researchers in the country – high schoolers and first-years students, who wish to unveil their achievements at the international level, are invited to present their projects at the most important scientific youth forum in the country – the International Forum for Scientific Youth «Step into the Future». Themes of the Forum cover all focal points in natural, engineering and socio-humanitarian sciences.
The «Step into the Future» Forum is the central event in the project – the winner of the grants competition of the President of the Russian Federation. In Moscow, the Forum will call together the flower of the nation’s scientific youth – about one thousand elite young researchers, more than 400 teachers and research advisors. The Forum will bring together delegations of schoolchildren-researchers from Europe, Asia and Africa. As a tradition, first TV channels in Russia as well as central and regional media will give coverage to the Forum events.
The «Step into the Future» Forum has established itself as a key national platform for discovering best young researchers and innovators in the country. In recent years, participants of the Forum were welcomed by the Presidents of Russia V.V. Putin, D.A. Medvedev, B.N. Yeltsin. The Forum is supported by the Federation Council, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, «Roscosmos» State Corporation, «Skolkovo» Fund, «Rusnano» Foundation, regional executive bodies, leading universities and research centers.

The Forum wins authority at the international level. It has the status of the National step into the EU Contest of Young Scientists (EUCYS). Winners of the Russian Competition make up the Russian National Team for the main European contest for schoolchildren-researchers. The Forum’s prize winners become members of Russian national delegations to the most prestigious international competitions that take place in three continents. The winner of the Forum annually represents young Russian researchers at the Nobel Prize Awards Ceremony. Among 25 «brilliant» age-mates from around the world, he/she makes a presentation to Nobel laureates.
The Forum is organized by the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) and the Russian Youth Engineering Society. More than 40 specialized sections of the Forum will work on the basis of 12 leading Russian universities and 14 worldwide famous research institutes, including BMSTU, Lomonosov Moscow State University , MIREA – Russian Technological University, Russian State University for Humanities (RSUH), Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (RCTU), Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the RAS, FRC «Biotechnologies» of the RAS, Institute of Astronomy of the RAS (INSAN), Space Research Institute of the RAS, Institute of General History of the RAS, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, etc.
The Forum program includes the Exhibition of the best projects of young Russian researchers and their peers from abroad, the National Festival of Young Couturiers and Designers, lectures with participation of leading Russian scientists, scientific competitions, and among them a peculiar role is played by the competition between teams from Russian regions for winning the Great Scientific Cup of Russia. Members of the Forum jury are more than 100 Doctors of Science and 150 Candidates of Science.
For thirty years history, the «Step into the Future» Program has been working to educate Russian young people striving for professional engagement in science and engineering. Among graduates of the program are brilliant scientists and engineers, statesmen, successful businessmen. Among them are M. Rakova – the Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, A. Efimenko – the Head of Laboratory at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, A. Gureev – the Chief of Clinic Department at the Samara State Medical University, A. Syrytsa – the Project Manager at Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, A.Volkov – the «SKY Corporation» founder and CEO.